Creative Inspiration
Here are some free downloadable materials to help Reimagine Your World with Pentel products!
Custom Hand Lettering Worksheets
Hand lettering can be used to make greeting cards and other small messages in a stylish way.

Hand Lettering Volume 1
Volume 1 covers modern calligraphy, one of the most gorgeous and fundamental styles of hand lettering. With Pentel Brush Sign Pen., even beginners can enjoy writing with ease!

Hand Lettering Volume 2
Volume 2 introduces a simple yet stylish form of hand letting that utilizes strong and light pressure with Pentel Brush Sign Pen.

Hand Lettering Volume 3
Volume 3 features a classic, pop lettering composed of straight lines. As it uses lines of uniform thickness with little inflection. Pentel Brush Sign Pen or EnerGel Pens are recommended for this lettering.

Hand Lettering Volume 4
Download Volume 4
This stylized graffiti letterform started with spray paint on walls, but you can recreate it using a bold brush such as the Pentel Colour Brush or a chisel tip marker. Use the Pentel Paint Marker to add your own personal touch to your art pieces. Try out this cool and edgy style!

Hand Lettering Volume 5
This ultra artistic outline graffiti style provides a lot of space for customizing with colour. Try out this cool street smart design using Pentel Sign Pen and Pentel Paint Marker

Hand Lettering Volume 6
Download Volume 6
Volume 6 explains how to write in Copperplate script, a popular style in calligraphy. This traditional and elegant typeface adds a gorgeous impression to your message. Express the flow of the characters with Pentel Color Brush.

Hand Lettering Volume 7
In volume 7, practice writing basic script typefaces with Pentel Colour Brush. Depending on how you arrange them you can use them for both formal and casual occasions!